Sunday 13 September 2009

Chakra names, positions, associations and meanings

The seven chakras are written about often, and representations of the chakra system can vary slightly, although the essential principles and definitions are generally consistent. The chakras are often shown in reverse order (7-1) compared to the grid below, and the names given to each chakra can vary slightly too, so alternatives are shown here where applicable. When the chakra is open and free it enables feelings and behaviours according to and relating to those listed. When a chakra is blocked or closed these feelings and behaviours are suppressed, resulting in negative feelings stemming from the respective emotion or instinct. The colours interestingly correspond to the colours of the rainbow, and can be remembered in the same way by the mnemonic (mnemonic means memory aid): 'Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain' (= Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Indigo, Violet).
chakra number
chakra name
position in body
associated feeling or emotion
other associated aspects
associated colour
base of spine
survival, bodily connection, security
earth, physical
lower abdomen, lower back, below navel
sexuality and emotional stability, adaptability, movement
water, emotional
solar plexus, navel or power
between navel and base of sternum
personal power, independence, energy, metabolism
fire, ego
centre of chest
love, self-acceptance, reconciles opposing forces, feelings and entities
air, social
base of neck
creativity, expression, communication, vibratory awareness (language and sound)
sound, creative
third eye or brow
between eyebrows
intuitive insight, conceptual awareness
light, fundamental
top of head
spiritual connection, higher consciousness
thought, universal
violet or purple

Important as they are, the seven chakras are just one aspect of Reiki; there is so much more to learn and experience that is postive and good from this fascinating subject. There are many good books on the Reiki subject, and various websites, many of which embody an uplifting and positive spirit, like the subject itself. Reiki provides a modern access and methodology, through some very ancient philosophies, to self-discovery, self-development, healing self and others, and attaining fulfillment and life balance. It is a remarkable area that is worthy of further exploration and experience.
With thanks to Katharina Van Gend.

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