Sunday, 13 September 2009

reiki treatment types
Reiki can be given as a 'hands on' treatment or at distance (any distance). Please note: By 'hands-on' we can mean literally that the hands of the 'channeller' actually touch the (clothed) recipient or that they hover over the recipient. Also, and fascinatingly: anything can have Reiki channelled into it: animal, vegetable or mineral.
'hands on' reiki
A Reiki treatment is given fully clothed. The Reiki recipients' privacy, modesty and dignity are always respected. For enhanced relaxation, the recipient is usually lying down, but could be sitting or even standing. There are seven classic positions where generally the practitioner will place his/her hands on or over the recipient. These positions equate to the seven main 'chakra' areas of the body, which feature in various Eastern mind-and-body and spiritual concepts. See the chakra definitions below.
(The word is sometimes spelled 'chakra' - it means the same thing). However, since a basic tenet of Reiki is that the Reiki (healing energy) will flow where the Reiki 'needs to go', strict adherence to the chakra positions is not vital. Chakras are certainly an aspect of Reiki treatment, but not an absolute rule.
Feelings experienced by the recipient during Reiki treatment vary between individuals, and also from session to session. Treatments are typically very relaxing, and recipients often fall into a lovely drifting state, or actually fall asleep. These states may be accompanied by dreams, floating sensations, warmth, tingling or a general sense of security and peace. Sometimes, if the healing is on a mental level, the recipient may shed a few tears as the emotional pain is released. This will be followed by calmness and later by a sense of increased energy as the body is freed from the weight of the stored distress.
Sometimes the benefit from a Reiki treatment is obvious and at others little seems to be happening. Trust and patience are needed. Healing may not always manifest in the way the recipient wanted or expected. For example a 'patient' presenting with an ear problem may simply leave the Reiki session with some vague idea about listening to someone's complaints more sympathetically.
The position on the body of an ailment or complaint can be a good clue as to its underlying mental and/or emotional cause. Addressing the cause is where healing begins.

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